Color Dip
Tips and Tricks: Dip Powder
Red Carpet Manicure offers a premium selection of colour dip powder products, everything from prep to top coats with no need for a lamp. Shop our dip powder range here.
- Apply a thin layer of gel base coat to nail – avoid thick application as this can cause lumps.
- When using a dark or neon colour, ensure you use Colour Dip’s Sheer Base Powder as the first step of dipping.
- Dip prepped nail directly into colour jar at a 45 degree angle – avoid twisting, swirling or stirring the nail while dipped as it can cause lumps.
- To cover bare spots or intensify the colour, apply a third coat.
- If excess base or top coat gets on skin, remove quickly with an orange wood stick before dipping into powder.
For a more in-depth look and pro tips on perfecting dip nails, check out our video tutorials!